Monday, September 24, 2007


well...for starters, my weekend seemed kinda long, but quite fun filled. friday night was a ball game and we totally lost. saturday morning we had a yardsale to raise money for cheerleading. it was boring...but almost interesting. after that, i went to the movies with nathan and we saw resident evil:extinction. very, very, very awesome movie i must add. alice is the bomb. later in the day, ally came over, we went to krogers and bought cupcakes and monster. when we got home we did our make up all funky and stayed up until 4 am taking pictures. i had tons and tons of fun. :]]
we sent a few pictures to katie kay and she responded!!! she said that she liked them and asked if we minded if she put them in her next blog...uh, duh i dont mind. haha. one of the most exciting things that will probably ever happen to me. sunday, ally, nathan, and i went to the mall. we bought candy and took a few more pictures.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


dang, today fucking sucked. pardon my language but seriously. i cant handle drama anymore. its driving me insane. i wish i could just get out of here. seriously. AHH!! gah, for all i know, no one is reading this anyway so what does it even matter?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


ugh. i just got home from school/practice. my tummy is soo upset. i'd love to cry, but the tears wont come out. school was quite boring today. everyone seemed so quiet. i think its because there's a sickness going around and like everyone has it. i had it over the weekend and its finally gone.
i'm sorry anyone that's sick right now. :[
welp, i'm off to gymnastics.

Monday, September 3, 2007

First Blog

alrighty, my first blog. i guess i've decided writing might possibly make me feel better, so i might try to start writing daily.
ok, school started about a week ago. so far, to be honest, i dont like it. hopefully things will get better. eh, i'm sure they will.
today was fun. nathan and i went to the mall and had fun. the only bad thing about today was that its sooo hot. i cant take the heat. it kills me.

the regatta was this past weekend. i went friday and saturday. i wanted to go last night but i didnt get to. it was sort of a bummer.