Thursday, April 17, 2008

get a grip.

geeze. i feel like i'm not taking life seriously enough anymore and it's about to slap me in the face and say, "WAKE UP BITCH!" seriously...
and i feel so out of it lately. like, i don't even remember today. well, barely. but anyway, i don't even know what i'm ranting about. gah.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

play the trumpet.

so school today was fun. well, sorta. haha. anyway, in my english class we're reading a story called The Martian Chronicles and today it really made me wonder. what happens after you die? i've always kinda wondered that but, for some reason, today i thought about it long and hard. Because in the chapter we're reading, the men go to mars and it's actually where people were reborn after they had died. I just wonder if something like that happens. Like, i know people have their concept of heaven and hell, but that's not what i'm getting at. What if you are reborn in a different place? Well, i don't know. whatever happens, happens. i feel like i'm starting to rant so let's get on another topic.

okay, so i feel like i'm starting to get lazy. Lazier than i already am, and that's bad. Very bad. i really need to get out and do stuff. be adventurous. something along those lines. haha. :]

Monday, April 14, 2008

school and stuff.

gee, i haven't updated for soooo long. it's because i forgot my password. ^.^ haha. anyway. i had quite a nice weekend. friday was our school talent show and it was amazing!! after the talent show i hung out with some friends and had fuuun. :] lol. saturday ally and i went to the mall and we talked and waved to random people. that night we stayed up and played rockband and stuff. sunday i had people over too, and we just hung out and watched movies and stuff. pughaaaaaaa.
school can be fun. :] ha, well i try to make it fun. i just take a lot of pictures. i can't wait for school to be over, but i know i'll miss it a lot. haha. well, i'm off for now.