Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wrestle the Bear.

whoas. there's nothing to do at all. i'm just sitting here with Travis at school. We're in the English office because i don't have a class this block and he's supposed to be at Carver. Today is step-up day so there's a bunch of 8th grade kids here. I'm super hungry too. It's almost time for lunch anyway so i think i can wait. :] anywho. bye.

Monday, May 5, 2008

i'm useless.

i'm an idiot. i really am. the one chance i get to try and fix something i have to turn around and fuck it up. i just made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. someone might as well have just shot me in the head right there. dsal;jfl;dksjf. gah. why the hell am i such an idiot. no one deserves this. i've brought way too much on people. not good stuff either. ;laskjkdf;lasjf. fuck it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

effffff it.

okay. i've figured it out. i'm just gonna let just about everything go and start over. i'm not giving up everything, but a large majority. anyway, the reason for all this is because people have pointed some things out to me i wish i would've noticed myself. it really makes me upset to know all that's going on around me that i didn't even see. i'm so mad at myself. you don't even understand. i want to talk to someone about it, but i have no one to talk to. instead, i'm talking to a damn blog. idk. just eff life. :]

Saturday, May 3, 2008

i feel it now.

okay. remember my last blog? when i said that i felt like life was going to slap me in the face. well it finally did. it yelled at me and i cried. i really don't understand. well, i sorta do, but then again, i don't. this is so stupid. i can't do anything right anymore. i really just need to take a break from it all. just sit back and be alone. but there's no way to do that. or atleast, not that i'm aware of. i feel like i just bring everyone down. i can't make anyone happy. i don't know. i'm gonna go plant some flowers or something.