Thursday, October 23, 2008

"anybody like hard bacon or soft bacon?"

so, i'm sitting in georgia. :] breakfast is almost finished. eggs, bacon, biscuits, the whole country breakfast. i don't really want to eat, but i feel as if i should. nita told me that, "i know you wont' like it, but i'm going to make you eat." i just kind of smirked and walked away.
don't get me wrong, i know i have to eat, i just don't like to.

anyway, moving on....
today, we're going to the cabbage patch nursery. lmao. it's gonna be great. :D the tree is gonna have babies!!!!!
well, it's not the tree, but it's "mother cabbage."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

it's breaking my heart that you're leaving.

but if you wanna leave, take good care.

argh. so things have been going good this week, but there have been times i just wanna break down. whatever, i'm a big girl. i'll manage. :]'s everyone else been?

okay, so tomorrow, i'm leaving for Georgia. ;D i'm staying with some family, but my mom isn't going to be there. she's going somewhere else. north carolina? i think, idk.
it should be fun though. we'll pretty much just go shopping a lot, but i want to go to a haunted trail or house or something because halloween is getting close. i like being scared. x]

ohhhh. and i finally got a job. yay! i'm going to be working at Circuit City. woo.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

what's next for you and i?

ugh. "/ so things seem to be going downhill and i can't really do much at all about it. it's really awful, but i'm managing. things were pretty super today. me, bradley, and whitney seem to always have fun in fourth block even when things aren't that exciting.
i got my wisdom teeth cut out this past friday and i missed two days of school and now i have a shitload of stuff to catch up on. "/ it kinda is not awesome.
oooo. we're doing a project in 4th block and me, whitney, and bradley are in a group and we figured out an awesome idea. :]
we're going to plan a big murder scavenger hunt game. ;D it's going to be amazing. we get to organize it and everything. it's going to be a 1920's thing and we're all going to dress in costume. the whole thing.