Friday, March 6, 2009

J'ai Commencé

Gosh, just sitting in class, hearing all that french behind me. I'm in a mixed class. Two french3 students and 20something french2 students. Marianne has gone home with an excrutiating tooth ache and left me alone in class with nothing to do. Well, i had to make a quiz from yesterday, but that took about 2 minutes to finish, and now i have nothing to do but type here.

I want this camera. ultra bad. :]

andddd...this woman is the best. we're going to try to get out of school early today. i drove today, so she's going to get out of 4th block and try to get me out of class early, then i go for ally, and then we leave. :]I have to work tonight and ally's going with me because she wants some, of what's left, of the dvds. Well, at least i'll have something to do while i'm at work.

Your Mind Aches.

So, i hate being sick. It just sucks the life out of me. My whole body just aches.

I was told yesterday that i have "striking hairstyle."
:] that made my day.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

eff my life.

Okay, i'm pretty sure everyone's heard of the website's pretty freaking great.

Second block, all we've done so far is, not our worksheets, but reading all of the ridiculous stories on fmylife. We're all holding our stomaches from laughter. is great lately because we have nothing to do anymore. We just goof off and play with everything's that's left. like...we found this bright orange flag on this really long stick and we just run around and hit people with it. not that exciting, but fun. we ordered chinese the other day too. that was fantabulous.
Things are getting much better lately, and i really hope it keeps going that way. I like being happy all the time and not down. :] it's great.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Time is Just Slipping by Us.

Wow...I haven't been on the computer in so long. Well, I can get on at school, but a lot of websites are blocked and there's no time to goof off. I'm taking some of my time at the beginning of class to do a bit of an update.

Things seem to be lacking a bit lately, but, then again, some things are just fantastic. I feel I need to take a bit more time, look things over closer, and just take my time and not rush right through things anymore. I've had so much on my mind lately, but I'm not too sure why. Probably because I haven't had tv or the computer to keep me from thinking. I've been about two weeks without my computer and it's given my mind such a break. Time to think. Time I needed. I've actually enjoyed it quite a bit. When you actually sit down and think so much will run through your mind. Things you've never even thought of before.

I've had some strange dreams lately too. Nothing I really want to go into detail about, but just different things.

I can't even remember if I had mentioned this before, but I'm losing my job soon. March 8th to be exact. "/ Circuit City. I'm really really really going to miss it so much. I love everyone there except for, about, one or two people, but they put themselves out there to where no one will like them. Ha, so many memories there. I haven't worked there too awfuly long, but so much can happen in such a short span of time. It's going to be wierd not doing anything on the weekends and just sitting at home after school during the week. I guess I'll get used to it or just get a new job. I wanted to get a job at Books-A-Million, but I was told you have to be 18 to work there because of the sexuality section. I think it's a bit of bs, but that's just me.

So, i've moved on to 3rd block. Our teacher isn't here and we all find that to be a miracle. Literally, because she never misses school, ever. Like, even when her husband died she only missed about one day. It's ridiculous. Her choice though.

I've had so much to write about lately, but no time to write it so it's all flowing out now. Prom seems to be getting closer and closer. I really need to go prom dress shopping. I want to go to prom because a lot of my friends are seniors and i want to be there with them, but, then again, i just have no desire to go to prom, whatsoever. I don't even have a date yet anyway.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

i've been walking in the same way.

for once in my life, i think i'm actually looking foward to school tomorrow. i know once i get there i probably won't feel that way anymore.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

never sweep away my memories.

the new semester has started.
a fresh, new start. i'm pretty excited, but at the same time, i'm not. but who knows what it shall bring. i'm hoping for fun or exciting things.

for some reason i'm in the mood for some coffee right about now or a monster. well, hopefully tomorrow brings good.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

madness to madness.

things have been getting much better lately, but i'm going to be out of a job soon.

D: ha. but, monday, i'm going to apply for a job at Electric Beach! woo.
i'm actually pretty excited.

for some reason i've been hooked on italian ice. i took a trip to wal-mart last night around 10ish and i ended up buying some and eating it on the way home. :]