Tuesday, September 9, 2008

stop pretending.

so...last friday i was in a car wreck. i hardly remember any of it. what i do remember was just crazy.
like, no joke.
so, we went off the road and he over-corrected and we were going toward the hill on the left side of the road and he jerked the wheel right, and when he did that we spun around and we went over a hill and airborn. we hit the bottom of the hill and i'm pretty sure we bounced, (because there are no marks from where we hit to where we stopped.) and we went through a cinderblock doghouse thing. and there was a dog in it!! but he's okay. :] he was just very, very, very scared.
i had to go to the hospital. "/ i had a major concusion and blacked out several times. also, i'm pretty much just a giant bruise all over.

ugh. anyway...the week seems to be going by slowly and painfully. i'm sooo sore. my left side is killing me. [from the wreck, if you didn't figure that out.] ugh. all my friends seem to be so humorous when it kills me to laugh. ^_^ how exciting.

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